Carmic Coach Natalia Alatorceva

Natalia Alatorceva-Golub

I will help to create, restore and reanimate your areas of life
Сonsultation appointment

About me

I started and continue to work, in order to change the world together with you
Starting out of kindergarten, I’m learning and skinning, I’m advancing my qualifications and working with myself, in order to be as effective as possible for you! I dream about the hour, if the skin of a person will live his happy life.
Made a decision and changed the direction of activity in 20 minutes
Since 2012, with a break of one year, my life has been connected with Ukrainian business. First as an entrepreneur, then as a member of the Zhyve Dilo consulting team, and later as a business service and consulting specialist, I helped Ukrainian companies find new faces, goals, and reach a new level. As a business trainer, I have trained thousands of bright eyes that create comfort and pleasure for you and me.
For a long time, it seemed to me that I could have the greatest impact on people's life satisfaction and happiness by cooperating with businesses, but I was wrong...


Higher Education
Red diploma, 2012
Field: social work-psychology
By calling
School of trainers of ICG "Live business", 2015
International Integral Coaching School, 2016
International Integral Coaching School, 2016
KMBS, 2018
Maryna Khmelovska School of Karmology, 2023
Auxiliary tools
Working with prejudices, mentoring, effective communications, non-violent communication, regress, placements, socio-psychological games.

All the answers are within us

"Problems are good because they show the place where you have problems" - Tibetan wisdom.
Everything starts with questions to yourself and the world.
Search for answers
Knowledge of one's own essence, purpose and chosen path
I believe that a person always knows all the answers to questions about himself, that we all have an inexhaustible potential to solve any task, that all people are "OK". It is with this belief that I cooperate with each client.
But our brain, our body, which remembers the experience of dozens of incarnations, protects us from stress and pain.
That is why, despite all the knowledge, we cannot answer all the exciting questions on our own.
"Disclosing the potential of individuals for their maximum efficiency. It's more about helping them learn than teaching them" - one of the pioneers of coaching
- John Whitmore
Carmic coach Natalia Alatorceva


Like the seed, like the fruit
This is knowledge that provides solutions to any problem and medicine that relieves mental pain.
Karmic management and the matrix as its tool for interacting with a client is the most effective method of working with consciousness, through the knowledge of oneself and one's purpose.
There are people who were born on the same day, but there are no people with the same purpose in life.
People often ask themselves the question: "What is my purpose?"
And just as often, the designation is confused with the concept of "favorite business" or "profession".
Purpose is what the soul must work out in itself. In order to be successful in any activity, relationship, business, we must learn the purpose and task of our soul.
"Only results do not lie" - Maryna Khmelovska
Everyone's life is different. One person lives in wealth and prosperity from birth,
and the other works hard all her life, but never "sees" money.
One woman has a loving husband and healthy children, while the other lives with an alcoholic and makes ends meet...

My main teachers

Carmic  coach Natalia Alatorceva
"Despite the many differences between people on Earth, we are all similar in one way. Everyone wants everything in life to be the best it can be, and none of us wants any problems or troubles in life.”
– Geshe Michael Roach.
My heart is full of gratitude to every person who has contributed to me. Starting from people to whom I came for knowledge, those who appear in my life to learn spiritual lessons and ending with "uninvited" guests who show me the fruits of "planted seeds".
Сonsultation appointment

How to sign up and cost

It is common for a person to want everything at once.
Well, let me try to create a quantum leap for you
Stages of work:
Book a consultation time
You send your date of birth and a request for a work format by Telegram code
You receive confirmation and, if necessary, answers to clarifying questions
You pay for a consultation based on details
Come to the consultation at the specified time and get answers

Karmic consultation

Karmic counseling is an individual work on the client's request to find cause and effect relationships and transform negative karmic programs, using the most ancient knowledge of karma.
Every day, several dozen questions are asked inside a person:
Why ...?
What for...?
What is the reason...?
And in ancient Tibetan texts that are more than 2500 years old, there is an answer. From generation to generation, Buddhist monks passed on and wrote down knowledge about karma. They translated it into a language that humanity understands so that we can use it now. This is the knowledge of karma.
Inside our minds, millions of our actions are recorded. And every second, the results of our choices are revealed in reality. For some people, it is a stream of happy events, while for others it is a "black streak".
Knowledge of the laws of karma and one's personal destiny is a guide to a life without "black streaks".
Pay consultation

Thanks to the karmic consultation:

You will receive information about your own unique birth date assignment
Review the rules of your life and business
Learn to create your own large-scale achievements by helping people in small steps
You will build relationships with yourself and people with an understanding of the goals, intentions and lessons that communication brings
Diagnose the karmic causes of troubles in life
You will build a happy relationship with your partner
Establish a relationship and understand the reasons for the actions of your own parents
Find out how to get rid of debt and financial failures
You will find the causes of physical ailments and infertility
Create the dream events in your life with your own hands, using karmic management techniques
And hundreds of other questions that worry your soul every day

REGRESS SESSION or healing of the soul

All the consequences we are living through now had their causes. And often these reasons lie so deep in the past that we cannot even begin to realize them in the present.
But our thoughts and subconscious remember everything. By diving into past lives, with a specific request, we can heal our soul in the moment. To review the negative experience and get rid of it by rewriting it. For our brain, there is no difference, the experience of the past, it lives taking it for the experience of the present. This is the mission of a regression session.
With what requests to regress:
An issue that cannot be resolved for a long time
Fears that cannot be explained and have no logical reasons
Repeated situations that have no solution in space
A deep feeling of anxiety or stone, from the heart, which cannot be explained
Registration for regress

Work format

Work with one or more queries
A two-hour consultation during which we will consider from one to three worrying issues. With the help of therapeutic techniques and tools, karmic laws and an individual matrix - we adjust life according to the request.
Work without a request
Get answers to common questions every adult has and how to get results in the most important areas of life: relationships and money, as well as:
  • What kind of programs were you born with, what kind of soul did you come to work with?
  • What is your purpose and mission for yourself and the world.
  • Subconscious attitudes of the past and your "baggage" from past lives.
  • Your best way to financial prosperity and happy partnerships.
Express consultation
Thirty-minute analysis of one request. Analysis and answers to questions:
  • What is the reason for the situation?
  • What shall I do?
  • How to change?
Building an action plan.

Real cases

Relations with a partner are superimposed
Divorce or stay
Why is the child sick?
How to accept and love a mother
Fear of losing a husband


Don't put off your life until tomorrow!
Karmic consultation
200 €
200 €
Сonsultation with a regression session
Consultation and monthly support
Don't put off your life until tomorrow!

Payment format

Payment is made using the Fondy online service
When going to the payment resource, enter the amount of the selected consultation format in hryvnias and pay using Google Pay or your bank account details. When paying, do not forget to enter your contact details to receive confirmation of payment.
Pay consultation
*transfer to the national currency at the exchange rate of your bank at the time of payment